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David Solomon Jalajel
PhD in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of the Western Cape, South Africa; M.A in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of the Western Cape; Higher Specialisations in Arabic Language and in Islamic Law (BA Honours equivalent), Dār al-`Ulūm, Western Cape; Degree in Islamic Law (BA equivalent), Dār al-`Ulūm; Diploma in Arabic, Arabic Language Institute, University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia; BSc in Business Administration, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD

Ahmed Khater, PhD
PhD in Islamic Law and Legal Theory, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. M.A in Islamic Law and Legal Theory, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. M.A in Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Minnesota. B.A in Legal Studies, University of California, Berkeley. B.A. in Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language, Al-Azhar University.

Haroon Baqai, PhD
Doctorate in Management. Masters in Management. B.S. in Computer Science, University of Maryland. Quran Recitation Ijazah with Shaikh Mohammad Haqqan, Jeddah, Saudia Arabia.

Justin Parrott, MRes, MSc
Master of Research in Islamic Studies, University of Wales Trinity St David.
M.S in Library and Information Science, Kent State University.
Arabic and Islamic Studies, Ohio State University.
B.A. in Physics, Otterbein University.
B.A in English, Otterbain University.

Mir Rizwan Ali, EdD
Doctorate in Educational Leadership, Creighton University.
M.A in Curriculum and Instruction, St Xavier University.
B.A. in Social Science with minor in Secondary Education, Benedictine University.
B.A in Islamic Law (Sharia), Al-Azhar University.
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