Islamic Online University of North America – Mishkah
Technology Guide
- Because of the nature of our university being solely online, all our students must have basic-knowledge on how to operate a computer and install common software such as chrome browser, browser extensions and Zoom. It is not the responsibility of the university to fix computer problems on individual student devices that fail to operate the software or if you have a connection issue due to poor bandwidth in your area. The university provides sufficient resources via video tutorials on how to easily and successfully use our software.
- Students must use internet-capable device such as a laptop or a desktop with a minimum of 10 Mb internet download speed.
- Students will be interacting mainly with the following software applications:
Orbund is Mishkah’s Student Information System where students can enroll for classes, pay for classes, and find transcripts and University records.
Canvas is Mishkah’s Learning Management System, students will find class materials, assignments, exams, grades, links to live sessions, and will be able to communicate with their instructor and classmates
Office 365 is the university email system used for communication with instructors and administration. You will also have access to web hosted office applications such as word, excel, one drive, etc., so you can use them to do class work if you do not have those applications already installed on your desktop.
Zoom is the university video conferencing software used by students to attend our live sessions. All students are required to download and install Zoom to attend their live sessions from the following link (An app is also available for i-Phone, i-Pads and android devices via the app store and market place) to gain access to their live lectures.
- To attend live sessions you have to go through Canvas and click on the live session link at the scheduled time according to EST time zone.
- All student must contact support either via or by calling (866) 808-0813. Emailing staff directly will cause issues in tracking your issues and in some cases may not be answered.
Please watch the following tutorials on how to login to your Office 365 and Canvas accounts:
Office 365
How to download and install Zoom Tutorial
- Assignments Overview (Students)
- Assignment Submissions (Students)
- Calendar Overview (Students)
- Canvas Overview (Students)
- Canvas Student App
- Chat (Students)
- Dashboard Overview (Students)
- Discussions Overview (Students)
- Feedback Overview (Students)
- Files Overview (Students)
- Grades (Students)
- Quizzes (Students)
- New Quizzes Overview (Students)
Please check the Canvas Student Guide for more information whenever you need help with Canvas.
Please submit all your questions, including technical support requests to