Fiqh of Hadith II-ISHSC
About the course 
This entry-level course is the second part of two courses that examine the Fiqh of Hadith pertaining to essential topics, which include creed, law, morality, and spirituality. The course examines and discusses the final 21 hadiths from Imam al-Nawawi’s 40 Hadith compilation. (3 credit hours)
About the Instructor(s)
Ibrahim Hafidh

Ust. Ibrahim Hafidh graduated from Mishkah University with a Bsc in Islamic Studies and also previously studied extensively under Dr Hatem al-Haj. A Data Engineeer by profession, he also holds a BSc in Computer and Information Science from Mankato State University.
He has been actively involved in dawah and community service for almost 20 years. He currently serves on the board of Building Blocks of Islam, a non-profit organization that provides social and educational services in the Twin Cities. As a Dawah Coordinator for Building Blocks, he helped to manage and implement multi-level dawah trainings for new da’ees, as well as oversee mentorship services for new Muslims. He currently teaches Islam 102, a course designed especially for new reverts and other Muslims seeking to reconnect to their faith, to learn the basic tenets of their deen including the pillars of faith, rulings on worship, and the Islamic lifestyle.
Ust. Ibrahim is also a teaching assistant for Mishkah’s main undergraduate program, and previously served on Mishkah’s IT advisory board.